Minimum requirements

This project has the following requirements for its application

Operating SystemCPUMemory (peak) Vers. 3.13Memory (peak) Vers. 3.14
(98, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista
are all tested)
Intel P3 (or equiv) or better 1.8 MB Not applicable
Linux (2.6 tested) Intel P4 (or equiv) or better Not applicable 15.2 MB (Virtual), 4.4 MB (Resident), 504 KB (Shared)

The above size data is taken from test units on develoment equipment and should be representative of live units
Work units vary in size but average around 1KB. The number of work units on a user's PC at any one time is dependent upon the preference settings chosen by the user
This project has a minimum requirement for a 5.8.n BOINC client

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